In this post, we demonstrate development and deployment of a Jekyll blog instance from Bash on Ubuntu on Windows within Visual Studio Code with Deployment to Azure . [Demo Notes] Windows Prerequisites: Install VS Code Install Xming Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Prerequisites: Install Jekyll as per Install the azure xplat-cli enable DBUS: sudo sed -i ‘s$<listen>.*</listen>$<listen>tcp:host=localhost,port=0</listen>$’ /etc/dbus-1/session.conf
Category: VS Code
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, Visual Studio, VS Code, Windows 10
Bash on Windows as Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code
by Paul DeCarlo • • 8 Comments
Visual Studio Code 1.2.0 is out now, and includes a variety of exciting new features. For example, a new integrated Terminal that allows you to stay within VS Code while using your platform’s shell. You may have also heard that Bash support has been added to Windows 10 in the current Windows Insider Preview. Hmmm??? In this…